Sunday, December 29, 2019

What Is a Chromatid

A chromatid is one half of a replicated chromosome. Prior to cell division, chromosomes are copied and identical chromosome copies join together at their centromeres. Each strand of one of these chromosomes is a chromatid. Joined chromatids are known as sister chromatids. Once linked sister chromatids separate from one another during anaphase of mitosis, each is known as a daughter chromosome. Chromatids A chromatid is one of two strands of a copied chromosome.Chromatids that are joined together at their centromeres are called sister chromatids. These chromatids are genetically identical.Chromatids are formed in both the cellular division processes of mitosis and meiosis. Chromatid Formation Chromatids are produced from chromatin fibers during both meiosis and mitosis. Chromatin is composed of DNA and skeletal proteins and is called a nucleosome when wrapped around these proteins in sequence. Even more tightly wound nucleosomes are called chromatin fibers. Chromatin condenses DNA enough to fit within a cells nucleus. Condensed chromatin fibers form chromosomes. Before replication, a chromosome appears as a single-stranded chromatid. After replication, a chromosome appears in an X-shape. Chromosomes are first replicated and their sister chromatids are then separated during cell division to ensure that each daughter cell receives the appropriate number of chromosomes. Chromatids in Mitosis When it is time for a cell to replicate, the cell cycle begins. Before the mitosis phase of the cycle, the cell undergoes a period of growth called interphase where it replicates its DNA and organelles to prepare for division. The stages that follow interphase are listed chronologically below. Prophase: Replicated chromatin fibers form chromosomes. Each replicated chromosome consists of two sister chromatids. Chromosome centromeres serve as a place of attachment for spindle fibers during cell division.Metaphase: Chromatin becomes even more condensed and sister chromatids line up along the mid-region of the cell or the metaphase plate.Anaphase: Sister chromatids are separated and pulled toward opposite ends of the cell by spindle fibers.Telophase: Each separated chromatid is known as a daughter chromosome and each daughter chromosome is enveloped in its own nucleus. Two distinct but identical daughter cells are produced from these nuclei following the division of the cytoplasm known as cytokinesis. Chromatids in Meiosis Meiosis is a two-part cell division process carried out by sex cells. This process is similar to mitosis in that it consists of prophase, metaphase, anaphase and telophase stages. During meiosis, however, cells go through the stages twice. Because of this, sister chromatids do not separate until anaphase II of meiosis. After cytokinesis at the end of meiosis II,  four haploid daughter cells, containing half the number of chromosomes of the original cell, are produced. Dorling Kindersley / Getty Images Nondisjunction It is vital that chromosomes separate correctly during cell division. Any failure of homologous chromosomes or chromatids to separate correctly is known as nondisjunction. Nondisjunction occurs during anaphase of mitosis or either stage of meiosis. Half of the resulting daughter cells from nondisjunction have too many chromosomes and the other half have none at all. The consequences of having either too many or not enough chromosomes are often serious or even fatal. Down syndrome is an example of nondisjunction resulting from an extra chromosome and Turner syndrome is an example of nondisjunction resulting from a missing whole or partial sex chromosome. Sister Chromatid Exchange When sister chromatids are in close proximity to one another during cell division, the exchange of genetic material can occur. This process is known as sister-chromatid exchange or SCE. During SCE, DNA material is swapped as portions of chromatids are broken and rebuilt. A low level of material exchange is typically considered safe, but when the exchange reaches excessive levels, it can be hazardous to the individual.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Analysis Of The Book A Good Story - 1361 Words

A good story, in my opinion, will have certain elements that keep a reader interested. Of course the most obvious of those is the story line itself. No one will continue to read if they are not intrigued by the plot. Secondly and equally important are the characters. Even if the story is captivating there is little interest in continuing on if the characters are not either incredibly likable or easily feared or hated. A strongly developed character will always keep a reader following along. In this particular instance its the monsters that makes the play. When it comes to the topic of monsters, most of us will readily agree that they are bad. Where this agreement usually ends, however, is on the question of what makes a monster. Although†¦show more content†¦In order to show the importance of a reader response to a story, I will attempt to show how at least three characters in Shakespeare s The Tempest could have been perceived as the monster of the tale. Stephen T. Asma writes that â€Å"good monster stories can transmit moral truths to us by showing us examples of dignity and depravity without preaching or proselytizing. (pg 64)† Considering that people can live by very different morals, monsters can be seen in so many different forms. The Tempest is a perfect example of this. There are at least fifteen characters in the play and of those characters there are at least three that can be viewed as being a monster or at least possessing some monster like qualities. One of the most obvious choices as the monster of the play could be Antonio. He can be found to say â€Å"Nobel Sebastian, thou lett’st thy fortune sleep - die, rather; wink’st whiles thou art waking. (2.1.210)† in reference to the sleeping King Alonso. Antonio makes this comment to the king’s brother, in order to convince him that murdering the king is his best chance of taking the throne for himself. In Act 3, scene 3 Antonio can again be seen speaking of the king’s murder when he speaks the line, â€Å"I am right glad that he’s so out of hope. Do not for one repulse, forgo the purpose that you resolved ‘t effect.(3.3.11)† In some opinions a person who is lacking morals and has become so greedy that they are willing to plot and plan a murder can be viewed as the most

Friday, December 13, 2019


The crises management is the processes to handle the threats which are harmful or can be harmful for the organization since it would have a greater impact on the reputation of the organization and cause financial loss. Crises management is the response of the organization to deal the crises before their occurrence, during their occurrence and after the crises has been occurred. The crisis management involves all the stakeholders and policy makers to make the policies to avoid the crisis. We will write a custom essay sample on WEC PROJECT or any similar topic only for you Order Now When addressing a crisis it is important to structure the written communication such that it clearly tells why we are making the crises management report. Define all the aspects of the crises management. Tell the customer about the importance of the crisis management, that how crucial they are to be managed for growth and making a good reputation perspective. Be prepared to handle the post crisis Describe all the precautions and the crisis avoidance, settlements and repairing which have been done. Tell the customer about the procedures about crisis either these procedures fulfilling the needs of the organization or it is just enough and not satisfying the organization’s needs regarding crisis. Tell the reader that how the procedures and precautions taken can be more secure and productive for the organization, how the improvements can be made to the procedures applied. How information has been gathered and includes the reports of performances along it. Explain the crises occurred during the business period. Provide the effects of the crisis to the business and how organizations overcome to these crises. Inform clients about the future threats which may hurt the organization. 5 CRISIS MANAGEMENT- IMPORTANCE OF WRITTEN COMMUNICATION There are various forms of written communication that are used internally for cuisines operations include memos, reports, bulletins, job descriptions, employee manuals, e-mail, and Instant Messages. Examples of written communications generally used with clients or other businesses include e- mail, Internet websites, letters, proposals, telegrams, faxes, postcards. An effective written communication follows 7 Co’s principle which are- Clear, Concise, Concrete, Correct, Coherent, Complete, and Courteous A crisis is something which poses genuine threat to the reputation or even survival of the organization. This could be anything from a member of staff or trustee who has behaved inappropriately, to the closure of some of your organization’s services. It might be that one of your service users is unhappy with how your organization has behaved -? and told their story to the local press. Very often, it is when a bad news story about an organization becomes public that it constitutes a real crisis. In crisis management, the threat is the probable damage a crisis can impact on an organization and a firm. A crisis can create three inter related threats like it may harm the safety of public, can cause financial loss and more importantly it would damage the reputation of he organization. Crisis management is a process designed to prevent or lessen the damage a crisis can inflict on an organization and its stakeholders. Crisis management can be viewed in three phases: 1. Pre-crisis: It is concerned with the prevention and preparation. 2. Crisis response : This is the phase when management mutually respond to a crisis 3. Post-crisis: In this phase management looks for ways to better handle the crisis and prepare for the next crisis. Importance Of written communication is that with properly structured written message, there is less scope for misinterpretation than with any other kind of immunization. A single corporate statement on an issue that deals with public relations can be circulated among company employees, the press and the general public. It allows the company to be represented by a single statement and creates a sense of continuity. It is effective public relations practice to make sure a company sends a single and consistent message. 6 CRISIS MANAGEMENT (Techniques Examples) Crisis management is a systemic approach that engages the whole organization in efforts to avert crises that may affect the firm and to effectively manage those that do occur. The objective of organizational crisis management is to make timely decisions based on best facts and clear thinking when operating under extraordinary conditions. As fast a crisis is detected it is much easy to manage it. When the first signals of a potential crisis are detected, summoning even insignificant assets will empower the organization to manage the situation swiftly. CRISIS MANAGEMENT-Key concern points 1. Telling the truth in a balanced way. We live in this present reality where reality can be uncovered rapidly. Being discovered lying about your firm’s wrong activities can demolish our firm. The exult for revealing firm’s wrongdoing is colossal. 2. Tell it quickly with all possible mediums By and large, associations have less than a day to tell their truth version. After that, the media and other outside stakeholders will have taken advantage of auxiliary and tertiary experts who will have their perspectives on what has happened. Utilize all the accessible correspondence channels including the Internet, Intranet, social networking letters and mass notice frameworks articles, discourse prints. 3. Answer the SSW of the crisis accurately Firms should have looked more than ten times before making any PR moments about what happened? Where did it happen? When did it happen? Who was involved? Why did it happen? 4. Crisis management should be an ongoing process. Crisis management should be an ongoing process that requires careful and constant modification by senior executives. 5. Remember your employees as they are internal stakeholders. Organizations do not wait for its employees to know about crisis in the firm from external sources. They are the stakeholders and firm should make arrangements to inform them about crisis in the firm. 6. Designate one spokesperson and extend support to him with experts. 7 The most straightforward approach to convey a reliable message amid a crisis is to have one senior official as representative. All senior administrators ought to experience crisis correspondence preparing. At the point when a crisis hits, the representative ought to be encompassed by specialists who can elaborate on answers to technical questions. 7. Extend support to carriers of bad news. Welcome and help those reporting potential issues. At the point when a crisis is approaching, your most significant asset is the person who advises you about the debilitating circumstance rapidly. 8. Have positive relationships room starting. You can enhance the likelihood for this, in any case, on the off chance that you take the time to manufacture positive associations with workers and outer stakeholders well ahead of time of any emergency circumstance. Doing so permits you to have a clearer feeling of which people you may depend on. 9. During and after crises, have patience with other and with firm itself Attempting to think plainly under exceptional conditions takes a toll on the cerebrum, the heart and the body. It is essential to go to every one of the three amid and after a crisis. Communication: Role in Crisis Management Of the above key concerns it’s quite noticeable that communication covers the major chunk. Be its informing the internal employees or the external stakeholders use of communication plays significant role. The communication can occur in various means with major classification as: 1) Written communication-Letter, email, copy on company intranet(internal) or website(external) 2) Verbal communication-Face to face, team meeting, media conferences, telephone call and TV/radio interviews Crisis handling through written communication – pros and cons It takes less time to skim through written articles. It can be sharp and to the point. It can be documented and reproduced time and again. However they are open to misinterpretation because Of limited information and specific writing styles. KEY EXAMPLES (Written Communication) a) TOYOTA- product Recall Three separate but related recalls of automobiles by Toyota Motor Corporation occurred at the end of 2009 and start of 2010. The issue was mechanical sticking of the accelerator pedal causing unintended acceleration, referred to as Sticking Accelerator Pedal by Toyota. Toyota also issued a separate recall for hybrid anti-lock brake software in February 2010. In this section few points in the recall letter will be discussed that failed to deliver their true intention because of the ill composition. Key elements Of First Letter: (For exact text of the letter please refer to Appendix- Part- a) We noticed that Toyota stayed away from apologizing for an accelerator that seems to have a mind of its own. Instead, they’re sorry that they caused problem by implementing the recall. Toyota is the largest car maker in the world. Customers don’t care about the closing down the production. We don’t think firm is going to discover clients feeling regretful that firm needed to incidentally end the sequential assembly line. Key elements of First Letter: (For exact text of the letter please refer to Appendix- Part- a) We feel that saying straight forward the line † Here are the realities for our clients† is much stronger than the normal default â€Å"Here are the certainties. † I doesn’t seem as though It has a plan of conciliatory sentiment. In this letter their primary focus has shifted to the â€Å"99 percent† with cars still humming along. They are not concerned about those 1 % who were bothered by the sticking paddle problem. ) FLIPPANT- Big Billion Day Situation – On 6th October, 2014, Pastry introduced its â€Å"One Billion Sale†. Flippant had offered massive discounts On products across varied (70+) categories. Flippant had put in months of effort to ensure enhanced capacity of products available to customers on time. Problem -Flippant failed to estimate the demand for its products for the eventful day, as the items went out of stock within a few minutes after the sale began at 8 am. To avoid the criticism of late delivery, the company decided to keep the orders pending. It further cancelled most orders and assured customers that it would refund the money within 1 0 days. Customers also claimed that the prices were marked up before the discounts, and were available on competing sites at a lower price. Within 10 hours, though Flippant managed to get more than a billion clicks, it attracted criticism from angry customers on social networking sites accusing Flippant for cheating customers on prices and product availability, keeping money of the people without paying interest for 1 0 days, canceling the order without customer request etc. Flatcar’s response – As the tide swayed against it, Flippant sent a mail to its entire customer base the next day, apologizing for the flaws that occurred on he eventful day. Having discussed exactly what went wrong that day, Flatcar’s sincere apology the very next day sought to mitigate the idea that it was cheating its customers by giving false promises on price discounts. They discussed the four major problems that occurred the previous day: prices, out of stock products, cancellations and website issues. They highlighted that they would improve their systems to ensure customer trust is not broken again. It assured customers that they are valued by the company and they were sorry to have broken customer faith in them. Thus, Flippant apologized for the inconvenience caused to customers and discussed its future course of action to prevent this from repeating. Key elements of letter: (For the exact contents of the letter refer to Appendix: Part-b) The letter followed the principle off’s and SW. The letter intended to restore the credibility of the organization amongst its customers. It had an apologetic tone, gave the customers accurate and succinct information about whatever had gone wrong and explained the reasons for the same. The company accepted full responsibility for the entire fiasco and did not attempt to shift he blame by any means. It was also emphasized in very polite yet effective tone that they hold the interests if the customers is paramount for them and reassured that such an incident will not repeat in the future a) SOUTHWEST AIRLINES (For the tweets refer Appendix: Part- c) The Southwest’s Flight had a faulty and dangerous landing and it is perfectly demonstrated by southwest airlines as in how to handle the crisis situation through quick, clear and transparent communication on social media. It eventually helped the organization to win the trust of the customers and overcome the crisis successfully. As seen that the fans supported the response from southwest and had appreciation for Southwest’s open communication and quick response. The incident showed that the organization had a proper backup plan and the staff was trained properly to handle such situations thereby successfully improving the goodwill of organization. They utilized the presence on social media with clear roles and response, scripts for those who need to respond immediately to a crisis. ) RED CROSS (For the exact tweets refer to Appendix: part- d) Social media was once again the cause of a PR crisis when a personal tweet as sent on the company official Twitter account in 201 1 . This started turning into a disaster for the organization working for humanitarian cause and when the situation went out of control the Red Cross responded brilliantly with transparency, humor and good grace. Now, deleting a tweet isn’t always the best idea since a) if you have a big audience who notices these things, it can look shady when you delete things , secondly anything â€Å"deleted† can surface to haunt the organization later. But, Red Cross did the right thing by acknowledging that the tweet went out, they elated it, and explaining with humor that it was all a mistake. It never turned into a major crisis. We found that Red Cross went beyond that response and turned a potentially harmful tweet into an opportunity for engagement. They took to their corporate blob to explain the situation, show their humanity, and engage with fans and followers. The employee who made the mistake accepted the same with humility and humor. This shows that organizations should be careful when using social media as channel of communication. But it was seen that when a crisis arises it is always best to be honest with your mans and followers. Social media folks are very forgiving, as long as an organization does not use dishonest ways to hide their mistake. C) J PENNY Sometimes what happens in the social media can be as dangerous as the company itself causing a blunder. Thus is the case with the J Penny Teapot that looked like Hitler. Reedit is a social bookmaking site, and one of its users posted a picture comparing J Penny’s new teapot with Doll Hitler. The Telegraph was quick to pick up this trending topic, and posted in on Twitter. At first it seemed that a trivial matter like this would not pose any robbers. J Penny decided to take remedial measures to prevent this seemingly harmless tweet from snowballing into a full blown controversy. Key elements of the tweet: (For the tweet refer to Appendix: Part- e) The reply was quite unique and was humorous and the reason was that they thought that a serious tone would project them as being defensive. By doing this the event was turned into an excellent marketing exercise with the teapot being sold out within days. This is a classic example where a crisis was turned into an opportunity to market its product. We found that the company was expensive to the influence of social media and thereby by acting quickly and with wit a big crisis was avoided. 11 CONCLUSION In times of crisis, written communication plays an important role in mitigating a crisis. A formal communication to stakeholders assures them that the company is sincerely addressing the problem. It provides the customers an accurate description of the crisis facing the company, and the organization’s plan of action to mitigate it. Our key findings from this project were: 0 In a world of information technology, media pressures and controversies may put the company into severe downturn. How to cite WEC PROJECT, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Discussion about marketing plan and launch strategy

Question: Analyze Keurigs marketing plan and launch strategy. Is the current plan sound? Answer: From the case study, it has been found that after the incredible achievement of Keurig Single Cup browser in Office Coffee Services (OCS) away from home market in late 1990s, the company is about to commence their innovative product named as B100 for the home customers in the year 2013 (Boone Kurtz, 2013). It has been seen that the vice president and the CEO of the concerned company after preparing extensive market surveys as well as testing have been able to finish with the assistance of the specialized services and investigating new marketing approach have been facing some of the serious issues. It has been seen that the addressed issues have not been solved yet by the senior management of Keurig Inc. It has been found that Keurig Inc. required following straight sales approach for their new at home brewer system B100. However, to keep the sales margin same and control over the OCS market of the authorized distributors, the company has introduced a new K cups called Keurig-cup for the at home customers (Hollensen, 2015). Secondly, it has been stated that there is a costing concern because the market review has shown that the satisfactory price to be $149 but after counting all the variables and the permanent costs of B100 scheme the cost acquiring is $220 (Wilson Gilligan, 2012). Therefore, there is a dilemma related to the pricing strategy of the selected company. The third identified issue was the pricing of the K-cups that maximizes their marketplace chances and would be sensible enough for both the customers and the producer (Morgan, Katsikeas Vorhies, 2012). Hollensen (2015) has mentioned on his work that U.S. coffee market is constantly mounting where specialty coffee is the main emphasize whose sales share is 8% and this has jumped from 8% to 20% each year. After discussing the marketing plan of the concerned company, it is important to analyze the launch strategy of the company. Some of the financial experts have stated that the new brewer scheme for the at home customers id absolutely a superior idea and has the potentiality to prosper in the current economic trends as well as the consumer expectations (Santos-Vijande et al., 2012). It can be stated that new technology is one of the important factors that keep the on evolving and if the company is properly as well as technologically sound, it would tough for the company to maintain competitive advantage in the strong competitive market (Wilson Gilligan, 2012). At this part, it is important to suggest some of the effective recommendation to the company, so that they can deal with the addressed issues in the company. Initially, it can be suggested that the company must utilize direct marketing approach with their new B100 Brewer system (Santos-Vijande et al., 2012). Apart from that, it can be said that Keurig Authorized Distributors are required to maintain a proper relationship with the office managers as well as take their feedbacks. This might help the company to deal with the company issues (Santos-Vijande et al., 2012). References Boone, L., Kurtz, D. (2013).Contemporary marketing. Cengage Learning. Czinkota, M., Ronkainen, I. (2012).International marketing. Cengage Learning. Hollensen, S. (2015).Marketing management: A relationship approach. Pearson Education. Morgan, N. A., Katsikeas, C. S., Vorhies, D. W. (2012). Export marketing strategy implementation, export marketing capabilities, and export venture performance.Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science,40(2), 271-289. Santos-Vijande, M. L., Lpez-Snchez, J. ., Trespalacios, J. A. (2012). How organizational learning affects a firm's flexibility, competitive strategy, and performance.Journal of Business Research,65(8), 1079-1089. Wilson, R. M., Gilligan, C. (2012).Strategic marketing management. Routledge.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Paper Mononucleosis free essay sample

Although infectious mononucleosis can be caused by other viruses, the most common way of transmission is through bodily fluids especially saliva, but can also be spread through semen and blood during sexual contact, organ transplants and blood transfusions. According to our textbook Community/Public Health Nursing Practice (2013), symptoms are fever, fatigue, enlarged lymph nodes, sore throat, malaise, at times enlarged liver and spleen. The incubation period before you would start to show these symptoms would be 4-6 weeks.Infectious Mononucleosis does not eave any major complications that come with the virus. You may get some secondary infections such as a sinus infection and strep throat. The only major complication that can happen but is rare is splenetic rupture, which can occur 4 days to 3 weeks after you began to have symptoms. Any person that is diagnosed with infectious mononucleosis should avoid any vigorous activity or contact sport for a minimum of one month to prevent splenetic rupture, since it could be swollen from the infection. We will write a custom essay sample on Paper Mononucleosis or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Due to infectious mononucleosis being a virus there is no medication or antiviral drug you can take to make it o away. Sometimes people may be prescribed a steroid to help with tonsil swelling but usually symptoms will resolve on their own within one or two months. The best treatment a patient could do for themselves is take antipathetic for fevers, get lots of rest, drink lots of water, take an analgesic if youre having any pain, avoid contact sports, and vigorous activities. The definition Of determinants Of health include factors that influence the health of a population or individual.How these determinants can contribute to a development of a disease is by the individuals health behaviors, social and hysterical environments and access to health care. Health behaviors such as kissing someone with mono or with unknown mono can possibly infect you and also by having unprotected sex with that infected person as well. By having interventions that can modify health determinants it can lead to improved health status and reduction or elimination of health disparities among populations and communities. A nalyzing the communicable disease requires the use of an epidemiological triangle. Some of the factors you may see in this triangle are host factors, agent factors and environmental factors. Any change in any of these factors has a chance of changing the balance of health. How the host factors work with infectious mononucleosis it that needing a host cell from a human that is usually is a teenager or young adult. Infectious mononucleosis does not discriminate against sex, background, race, marital status, religion, education and economic status. There are no genetic risk factors with mononucleosis it is an infectious disease.The anatomical site with infectious mononucleosis is usually swollen and red tonsils, but you might also be able to feel enlarged lymph nodes in your neck, ND if it is going on for a while you might even be able to feel an enlarged spleen. If you have infectious mononucleosis you will always carry the virus that caused it, but as soon as you get over mono you are highly unlikely to ever get mono again. By carrying the virus it may become active from time to time, which is considered active immunity, but it will not be accompanied by any symptoms, but when its active it is contagious to others.With infectious mononucleosis you can get tonsillitis, the lymphoid tissues in the back of the mouth usually help to filter out bacteria but when the tonsils are infected the homeopathic system is unable to filter the bacteria like it normally should. For infectious mononucleosis there is no passive immunity, you can be a susceptible host to get infectious mononucleosis. If you have infectious mononucleosis it is important to maintain a good diet, and drink lots of water to stay hydrated. But it is important to note that you dont want to be doing any vigorous activity or contact sport to do a possibly enlarged spleen.It is also recommended to not have any sexual contact or kissing your partner who has infectious mononucleosis since it can be spread through this manner. It is k for you as the patient to handle their own food, but would not prepare anyone elses food since it can be spread through saliva, and you could accidental sneeze while cooking and infect someone. Some of the agent factors that you will see with infectious mononucleosis is that it is a virus and its common mode of transmission is through saliva.The virulent factor of infectious mononucleosis is the latent infection of the B lymphocytes, it infects the a lymphocytes in lymphatic tissue and blood, because of the infection to the B cells can cause latent infection, stimulate heir growth, or immobilizers cells, as stated by (Brendan, 2014). As in regards to infectious mononucleosis diagnosis there are really no environmental factors that cause this. There are many roles a community health nurse face when dealing with a communicable disease.The nurse can help the community by trying to make them understand the communicable disease by providing them with education and intervening as needed. As the community nurse it would be their job to surveillance the communicable disease which includes systematic collection and analysis of data regarding the communicable disease. The primary pr evention would be to prevent the occurrence of the communicable disease, educate the patients and public who are at high risk of catching the communicable disease and how to prevent getting the communicable disease and ways to eliminate risk factors for exposure. Secondary prevention would be increasing early detection by screening patients who may have come in contact with the communicable disease, refer suspected cases of a communicable disease for diagnostic confirmation. Tertiary prevention would be to decrease complications due to the communicable disease through proper treatment, monitor treatment implicate, and prevent reinsertion. State laws mandate which communicable diseases must be reported to the CDC, infectious mononucleosis is not One Of the communicable diseases that needs to be reported to the state of Wisconsin.Because of this you are not going to find much systematic collection and analysis of infectious mononucleosis. There usually is no follow up needed from the community nurse for infectious mononucleosis. One organization that addresses infectious mono sclerosis is the World Health Organization (WHO). The World Health Organization works towards reducing communicable diseases in populations that have en affected by humani tarian emergencies.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

The Civil War,North Success essays

The Civil War,North Success essays Why Did the North Win the Civil War? In 1861, following the secession of the Deep South on a platform of states rights, the right to property and the event of Fort Sumnter, the inevitable conflict Seward had predicted emerged as the Civil War. Four years later Lee surrendered and so returned the Confederate states to the Union - the victory of the North was never as forgone as the onslaught of secession, and certainly historians such as McPherson have judged it would be dangerous to generalise over causes of the Northern Victory, since events on the battlefield could have taken a different course into Southern favour, changing the Wars final outcome. However, there are several factors that were certainly crucial for northern victory - such as economic growth and stability, the political prowess and generalship of Lincoln and Military manpower and technique. Many historians of the post-war era and in the 20th century noted the economic might and manpower of the North as one of the main reasons for success. Economic factors were certainly crucial for the defeat of the South in 1865. By 1861, the North was, economically, in line with the Industrialised world of Northern Europe and Britain, and was way ahead of the backward South, still mostly reliant on the peculiar institution of slave labour in the cotton fields. It possessed 4 out of 5 factories, Americas Banking system, 15 times more Iron and 38 times more Coal; it made its own clothing and even during the war was never short of new migrants from Ireland and Germany. Northerners outnumbered Southerners 22 million to a measly five million whites (slaves, who made up the remaining 4 million, were constitutionally only 3/5s of a citizen each, and so were not legible for the draft). The North had to rely little on Europe; it was self-sufficient, it had a variegated economy compared to the Southern reliance on cash crops as a source of inco...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

ISO 14000 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

ISO 14000 - Essay Example ISO 1400 series are grouped on the basis of two major categories; one is from the perspective of the organization, while the other focal point being product. A few of the standards from the 14000 series are: The ISO 14001 focuses on the specifications of the standards and the guidance for use. The ISO 14002 focuses on the principal systems and supporting techniques, the ISO 14011 has guidelines for the Environmental auditing procedures (Cheremisinoff, 2001). Following the ISO standards it helps the organizations to minimize the harmful or dangerous impact of the procedures that they are using for product manufacturing or service providing, and also the services and products will be produced with a more consistent quality. The standards compliance is an ongoing process; first the policy is created, then according to the policy, planning is done, the plans are then implemented, after the standards are put into practice there has to be a constant check and proper audit

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

(Microeconomics) The Theory of Monopoly Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

(Microeconomics) The Theory of Monopoly - Essay Example Professor of Cambridge University Joan Robinson (1933) made a report with decisive critics of the newly conservative competition conception. In her work ‘Economic theory of imperfect competition’ she claimed, that the research of various objective laws of the economic theory was usually started with the consideration of the perfect competition’ conditions, treating monopoly as the corresponding peculiar case, while it was more correct to start any similar research with the monopoly consideration, treating the perfect competition’ conditions as a special case. (Mandler, 2002) In the modern market conditions there is no special classification of monopolies, though in the most general sense they may be divided into the four main classes. The first class is the simple monopoly for these or those products; it can be private or state. The second class is the natural monopoly, when competition is impossible for technical reasons, for example, in the case with railroads, when it is not profitable for the second company to create parallel railways, or with underground, when another company would not build another tunnel next to the already existing one. The third class can be called the network monopoly, when Microsoft creates such programs as Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel, and people use them voluntarily, and very actively. In such case it is rather difficult for the competitor to enter the market, because everyone is already used to work with one program; this is, so to say, voluntary, accepted by the buyer, monopoly, and there is also the acting consumer s’ network. The fourth type of monopoly is, probably, the most important. It is the monopoly on ideas, that is, on the intellectual products; when this or that discovery is made, it is necessary to compensate the expenses and to have the patent, because otherwise the owner of the

Monday, November 18, 2019

Development of Labor Unions in the United States Research Paper

Development of Labor Unions in the United States - Research Paper Example With the beginning of wage-labor regime, the modern labor movement came into the picture. This project highlights the key issues of the development of labor unions in the United States. The customary chronology report the first American labor strike in 1741. Though they didn’t protest against employers but it was against a municipal regulation regarding the price of bread. The first and second consecutive strike occurred in the year 1786 and 1791 respectively in Philadelphia. The reason of the first was that there should be a minimum wage of six dollars in a week and the second was that there should not be more than ten hours per day. The first organized strike happened by the Philadelphia shoemakers in 1799 by when it got restructured and renamed as Federal Society of Journeymen Cordwainers. These strikes over wages were the principal weapon of these primordial labor unions and they were held in peaceful manner. But gradually aggressive, violent trade unionism set in. The ind ustrial depression in America curbed trade unionism for some period to maintain their organizations. Before 1820, several trade unions were involved in the effort to cut short the average working hours from 12 to 10.When depression reached its ebb in the year 1820, belligerent trade unions again came into existence. They spread among weavers, tailors, cabinet makers and most importantly among factory workers. And that was the first time when female workers came into action. Many strikes happened during 1824-1825 in the industrial houses but the most striking was the Boston House carpenter’s strike for a ten hour day in 1825. Labor Movement of America began in 1827 with mechanics’ Union of Trade Associations in Philadelphia which is called as the first city centered trade organization in the world. Equal division of all property became prime point in the first workingmen’s meeting in New York in 1829. The first general trades’ union was organized in 1833 i n New York which became New York Trades’ Union later. After which during the twenty five year long depression between 1837-1862 the aggressive Trade Unionism vanished (Perlman, 2004, pp. 3-39). The Nation Labor Union (NLU) which formed in the year 1866 persuaded a weak protest to Congress for an 8 hour a day for Federal workers. The Knights of Labor formed in the year 1869 by Uriah Stephens but it flourished rapidly under Terrance Powdery. Since the membership was open to all types of workers they found easy to achieve a membership of about 750,000 in the next couple of years, but later on the skilled and unskilled workers got fragmented. Suddenly, the Knights found difficult and were unable to handle so much pressure at once, and after taking a hard blow in the Haymarket Square Riots  in May 1886 in Chicago, they collapsed completely. Skilled workers became tired of the unskilled workers’ labor activity and thus they were replaced easily by the high skilled one. The Knights were injured highly by false accusation of anarchistic violence. Even after this they had to face negative publicity and ultimately they were disbanded. The American Federation of Labor was

Friday, November 15, 2019

The Mental Health and Addiction Service Development Plan

The Mental Health and Addiction Service Development Plan The Mental Health and Addiction Service Development Plan In the National context of Mental Health in New Zealand during 1800 and 1900, almost 50% of people living in New Zealand are experiencing of some form of Mental Illness. The first lunatic asylum opened in New Zealand on 1854 is in Karori, Wellington. A mentally ill person is being held in the prison at first because there is no place to care for each of them. Around 1860s and 1870s, the government is starting to build more asylums around the country and they usually built it on the edges of the towns. The Karori, near at the Wellington on 1854, Dunedin and Sunnyside, Christchurch 1863, The Whau, Auckland 1867, Seaview, Hokitika 1872, and Nelson 1876. In 1950 they have discovered new drugs that they believe to treat mental illnesses and some psychotherapy are the things that are used more often in the asylums. They are hoping that those new drugs will cure and transform the lives of the people who are experiencing a chronic illness. Like, injecting a too much insulin to regulate in their brain and they will do a what they called â€Å" Prefrontal Leucotomy†, it is a brain surgery for the person with mental illness but both of them is producing a side effects to the body and brain of the patient. So, they have decided to discontinue that treatment. They do more research on how to transform a person with mental illness and they come up with the Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT), it is using a chemical to persuade a seizure. As of the moment the ECT is still present at some mental hospitals and they are doing it more safely and more modified rather than the first ECT used in the asylums. In 1950s they started to found drugs that can treat a depression, mania, anxiety and psychosis. Most of the staff in the first asylums that are built ages ago do not have any medical training or do not have medical background. Restraint are often used in the asylums like locked cloths or gloves, it is a soft jacket made of cloth that doesn’t allow any movement from the arms of the patient with mental illness and also they are secluding a patient who are dangerous and having a challenging behaviour. They are starting to develop the treatment that are used in the asylums and as time goes by the patients with mental illnesses are manage and stabilised. They are being discharge from the mental hospitals sooner compared the time of being discharge before but some are being re admit again in the mental hospitals because their actions and behaviours is back. Ministry of Health is providing a compulsory treatments and assessments for the people who are considered having a mental illness. Protecting the persons with mental disorders who are posing to harm, hurt and can make a serious risk about their own self or to others. The Ministry of health is promoting the safety and protections of the mental health consumers in a way of explaining and clarifying the role of the clinicians and services. They are also aiming for the treatment and care of the alcoholics and drug addicts that are also being confined in the rehab where they can learn how to control their own self and how to know they limitations while undergoing in the treatments assigned to them. The Ministry of Health is providing an accurate level of care for the persons who are in the mental hospitals and for those persons who are drug addict or the alcoholism. The government is funding the health and disability services anywhere in New Zealand. They are giving a free outpatient and inpatient hospitals which are open to public and services that the people with mental illness or disabilities needs. Some are not qualified to use the services funded publicly but they can still use the services, they just only have to pay for their own bill because it is not free for them and they can also get some insurance in case that something happened to them and they don’t have extra money on that moment, the insurance will help them to pay for the bill that they have. The District Health Board is also funding the mental health illnesses and the addiction. They are helping those people who have an addiction and alcoholic problems and also those people who are experiencing a mental illness. They are helping to and providing the services that they need to ensure the health and safety of the person. Their aim is to provide the accurate treatment to tr eat them. Terminology, is a terms that are used in a special subject, science, business, or art. There are also terms that people usually call the person with mental illness like; Lunatic, A person who is ill mentally. Imbecile and idiot, a person which is stupid and madness, a person who cannot think in a right way and doing some action which are not appropriate for a normal person to do. Discrimination and stigma is one of the most identified attitudes of the society towards the person with mental illness. Stigma has an impact to the person with mental illness especially if they are the one who is stigmatizing their own self called self stigmatizing which they turned against on their own self. It is happening on both self stigma and public because they are just letting the self esteem and confidence of a person by showing and having a prejudice mind towards the others. Most of the person who has or have a mental illness are already experience discrimination in the society. In a way of cannot go to normal school because some children will tease them, not having a job because they are not being trusted because of their actions, social dignity and having a relationship. They are not just the only person who is experiencing discrimination in the society but also the family of the person with mental illness. We all know that news can easily spread and the family will be a ffected also because the society is discriminating and judging them about having a family member who has a mental illness or addiction. The stereotypes of a person with mental illness is the society knows that a person has a mental illness, addict, and alcoholic; they will stay away from them because they are judging that they will get hurt because in their mind they just think that those person will hurt them because they cannot think normally. There is also a barrier to every person who has a disability because they cannot socialize with a normal people, they were also afraid that they will get hurt by the normal people because they have a disability. They are just losing the confidence to face other people. Most of them feel afraid to face everyone because some of them do not know how to trust because even their own family member is just hurting them if they lose their patience on taking care the person with mental illness. We all know that a person with mental Illness some are the result and symptoms of their mental illness but also some are the side effects of the medication. Like, if they were given an anti psy chotic drugs and the side effects are getting drowsy and confuse. They will think that someone will hurt them, or having a paranoia. Their instinct as a human being is to protect their own self that is the reason why they are starting to hurt someone or will have a challenging behaviour. The Rising Challenge about the Mental Health and Addiction Service Development Plan of 2012-2017 which provides the guide to the Mental Health and addiction sector, and also in this plan they include the funders, clear path on plans and the providers of the Mental Health and addiction services on the priority areas of the government for the development of each services that they provide. They are also focusing on the better resources of the materials used to the person with a mental illness, providing the needs that each person in the hospitals, rehabs, and mental hospitals. They are just not focusing on the adults with illnesses or addiction but all of the ages are their priorities even if they are infants or a child. There are many government agencies that are funding the Mental Health. One of them is the Mental Health Foundation; they work to influence and bring awareness to the family/ whanau of the person with a mental illness and also they are improving and sustaining the mental health of the person with mental illness to gain and show their potential. The Ministry of Health is funding the plan, and provides health services including public health services, hospitals within the location. They are also supporting and funding services in the disability sector, mental health service, screening programs, maternity services and any kind of services related to the health of a person. Most of the funds are coming from the taxes of the workers in New Zealand, each worker has an equivalent percentage of tax depending on their annual salary but most of the salary has a 10.5 percentage of tax if their annual salary is 60,000 New Zealand dollars and that is where all the funds are coming from. So most of the workers around New Zealand have participation on funding the public hospitals or for the people having a disability or mental illness. References Warwick Brunton. Mental health services, Te Ara the Encyclopedia of New Zealand, updated 9-Nov-12 URL: Warwick Brunton. Mental health services Lunatic asylums, 1840s to 1900s, Te Ara the Encyclopedia of New Zealand, updated 13-Jul-12 URL: The Porirua Hospital and Museum.( 1997). The Origins of Mental Health Care in New Zealand andWellington. Retrieved from: Miriam Webster dictionary. (2015). Dictionary: Terminology. Retrieved from: Oxford University Press.(2015).Oxford Dictionaries: Lunatic and Imbecile. Retrieved from: Ministry of health.(2012).Guidelines to the Mental Health (Compulsory Assessment and Treatment) Act1992. Wellington: Ministry of Health. Retrieved from: Ministry of health.(2011).Publicly funded health and disability services. Wellington: Ministry of Health. Retrieved from: The Guardian.(2011). Mental Health: Attitudes improving towards mental illness,. Retrieved from: Ministry of Health.(2012-2017).Rising to the Challenge: The Mental Health and Addiction Service Development Plan 2012-2017.Wellington:Ministry of Health. Retrieved from: Mental Health Foundation.(2015).Mental Health Foundation of New Zealand: Different Government agencies. Retrieved from: Ministry of Health.(2014). Funding: New Zealand’s health and disability system is mainly funded from general taxation. Retrieved From:

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Citizen Kane Essays -- essays research papers

The film Citizen Kane, directed by Orson Welles, is a great example of how a man can be corrupted by wealth. Through the characters in the film we can observe how Charles Foster Kane, an idealistic man with principles, can be changed and misguided by wealth and what accompanies wealth. The film takes places during the late 19th century and early 20th century, a time in American history when the world is changing and wealth is a great power to change it with. Through the story telling of Kane’s life we are able to see how wealth changes, not only Kane’s ideals, but his actions and how he perceives the world.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The corruption of idealism by wealth can be seen throughout the film, especially through the thoughts and actions of Kane and the other characters. For example, when Kane publishes his first newspaper for the Inquirer he prints his â€Å"Declaration of Principles†. Jebediah Leland remarks at that time that he would like to keep it because he feels that it will be an important document one day. As Kane becomes more wealthy and more corrupt by his wealth, Leeland returns the document and we see that Kane understands that he is no longer the same man he was before or the man he set out to become. From this we also see that Leeland and the other characters in the film have come to the same conclusion. Furthermore, in the film, Kane states more than once, that people will think or do whatever he wishes them. Kane, with his wealth, tries to create his i...

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Seeing the situations that over rule an administration

Seeing the situations that over rule an administration everyday makes an administrator of the school wonder with regards which part of education does the institution still needs to work with besides the aspect of student achievement. It could not be denied that the institution has already reached its peak aim of producing student achievers who are both academically and athletically serious about their schooling.However, besides just the idea of achieving, the proposal that follows tries to embark on the idea of making certain changes with regards the morality of the students as this is one of the most neglected areas of importance in the institution. PRESENTING ALTERNATIVE ASSESSMENT MODELS IN A SCHOOL ALREADY CITED FOR HIGH STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT Section 1: Introduction 1. 1 Background of the Study The schools and other educational institutions today are facing large problems regarding the issue on the students’ lack of self discipline resulting to under-achievements of the stud ents in the school as well as violence within the school premises.How close are these two issues related to each other? Mostly, the age-stage of which the student enters when he attends secondary school is ranged as the puberty stage of an individual’s growth. According to psychologists, this particular stage of growth introduces an individual to several major decisions that he has to face along the way towards his maturity. Hence, confusion of priorities and aggravation of depression through the environment occurs (Coon, 1999, 88).As reports could attest to this fact, it is not that hard to understand that there is an essential need of restructuring the procedures of the school when it comes to disciplining students who are attending secondary education. This is the reason why the researcher of this paper opted to discuss the issue mentioned. The timeliness of the research would indeed help in solving the problems at present especially with regards the issues of education, d iscipline and student achievements. 1. 2 Significance of the ProblemThe problem as mentioned earlier directly affects the achievements of the students in their schools. This means that because of the lack of discipline, the students of the secondary school level face the challenges of being misaligned when it comes to their focus and at some point become highly attracted to drugs and violence. This is the fact when it comes to school procedures. The actual reports that pertain to the said issue are indeed much disturbing and further more alarming to the institutional boards.As most of the schools affected by this dilemma are public educational institutions at [79%] whilst Private schools are affected by at least [45%], it is indeed necessary to identify the reasons behind the incidents that lead to students’ lesser interest in school and a higher rate of attraction towards drugs and violence. Through the proceedings of this particular research, it is expected that the reasons behind the ongoing issue in schools would be further regulated and controlled by institutional administrations through the use of psychological and psychosocial motivation.1. 3 Research Questions To be bale to attend to the most important issues related to this particular problem, the researcher decided to use the following questions as guidelines for the completion of this particular study: †¢Ã‚  Ã‚     What are the primary sources of the discipline of the students? Do those sources pertain to the personal or the social connection of the students to the society? †¢Ã‚  Ã‚     How are students reacting to the discipline that they learn from their homes and from their environment?What are the elements that are so far affecting the vision of the students towards their achievements in school as well as towards their future? †¢Ã‚  Ã‚     How are drugs and violence related to the effects of lack of discipline among students? These particular questions shall serve as the primary foundation of the study. These questions shall be the settling ground of the researcher in finding the right sources for the completion of this paper as well as deciding on the right method to be used to collect actual data for the validation of this study. 1. 4 Purpose of the StudyTo add up to the stress that this study places on the topic to be discussed in this paper, the following presentation of the purposes would primarily support the existing statements of the problem to assist in the validation of the facts that are to be presented. The purposes of this study are: †¢Ã‚  Ã‚     TO assist the ongoing researches on school students’ discipline issues and help the institutions solve the impending results of the said problems. †¢Ã‚  Ã‚     To make assessments on how the issues could be investigated through the use of psychological assessments and actual-report-based evaluations of the situation.†¢Ã‚  Ã‚      To strengthen the procedures of s tudent motivation that is already currently used in schools in the society today. The utilization of these purposes within the completion of this study certainly helps in aligning the focus of the researcher. Hence, by doing so, the researcher expects that the focus would be on the cycle of events that involve The source of discipline, the results of the influential elements of the environment to the discipline of the students and the future of the students afterwards. Section 2: Literature Review 2. 1 What Psychology Says and how Anthropology RelatesBoth psychology and anthropology concentrate on the behavioral study of humans. Through the use of the said studies, the reasons behind the occurring behaviors of students in secondary school could be well identified. With regards the issue on discipline and how it affects the students, Psychologists claim that the situation is much controlled by the upbringing of the students. The original discipline that they receive from their homes are supposed to be the basis of why they act the way they do when they are already mingling with their peers or with the society as it is.(Coon, 1999, 89) Moreover, girls of the same age are differently reacting to the discipline that they receive from their homes compared to that of the boys. Anthropological studies attest to the claims of psychology as the said field of human understanding particularly points out the instance by which the discipline received by students from their homes are directly affected by the elements of the environment when they already begin to mingle with their peers or the society. As mentioned earlier, the effects vary.To young girls, the discipline that they receive from their homes are more likely more evident in their system of dealing with others as young girls are expected to be more emotionally and personally attached to the their families compare to that of the boys who are at some point more affected by the elements of change that they encounter in dealing with other people especially with their peers (Coon, 1999, 90). Knowing the sources of the discipline, it is essential to evaluate the claims of both psychology and anthropology through the use of the actual reports that are further presented for better understanding of the readers.

Friday, November 8, 2019

PSY101 memories Essays

PSY101 memories Essays PSY101 memories Paper PSY101 memories Paper Essay Topic: Literature George Miller found that the average person is able to keep about ____ digits in mind at a time. seven When an old piece of information interferes with your proactive The memory problem called retroactive interference happens when leaning new information interferes with your memory of old information. Tim can remember what he had for lunch yesterday. This is an example of aan episodic memory. Explicit memory, also called ____ memory, can be clearly stated or explained declarative The memory of how to perform a task is implicit memory Endel Tulving, the cognitive psychologist, classifies memories according to the type of information stored. The two types of explicit memory described by Tulving are semantic and episodic memory. The memory of things that happen to us or occur in our life are referred to as episodic memory. Abe and Rose, who have been married for 13 years, are discussing the episodic Your recollection of the humiliating lecture you received after you were episodic Recall of what your professor said in class and recall of what you wore that day are semantic and episodic General knowledge of history, algebra, and literature refers to ____ memory. semantic The type of memory one would use to remember the seven wonders of the semantic memory. When stating I know. you are referring to a(n) ____ memory semantic; episodic In-line skating and tap dancing skills would be stored in ____ memory. implicit The distinction between semantic and procedural memory is what it was and how one did it. Which of the following is most likely to remain firmly embedded in how to swim Tracy took tennis lessons when she was very young but had not implicit Once we have learned the multiplication tables the recall of 6 times 6 is priming The story about a woman with amnesia who was able to dial her mothers implicit ____ memory is recalling information that was previously learned Retrospective; prospective Which of the following use prospective memory? none of the above The memory that tends to fail when we are feeling stressed, distracted, and prospective memory. Which of the following is not a type of prospective memory? knowledge-based tasks. Which of the following causes a decline in both prospective and retrospective memory? aging The process of changing information so that we can place it in memory is called encoding. The stages of information processing in memory are encoding, storage, and retrieval Jason, straining his eyes on the deck of a ship, is trying to memorize distant visual code. Which of the following is not a psychological format that can be sensory code Which of the following could be used to store The Star Spangled Banner song acoustic code What type of code represents stimuli in terms of their meaning? semantic code Ludwig, a cellist, is memorizing a musical composition by heart without reference to acoustic code. Mimi is memorizing the Bill of Rights in relation to the legal cases in semantic code. ____ means maintaining information over time. Storage Mentally repeating a list or saying it to yourself refers to maintenance rehearsal By mentally repeating a telephone number after looking it up for the maintenance rehearsal While doing his homework, Joe noticed that he was having difficulty with metamemory. Our awareness of the functioning of our memory is defined by psychologists as metamemory. Extending the semantic meaning of something you already know refers to elaborative rehearsal. Using the phrase Elvis Guitar Broke Down on Friday to remember the elaborative rehearsal. The process of locating and returning information to consciousness is retrieval. Locating stored information and returning it to consciousness is retrieval. The correct order of events in memory processing is encoding, storage, and retrieval Sofia is taking a chemistry exam. She has not studied conscientiously for encoding failure Roberto is taking a physics exam. Although he has studied thoroughly information retrieval The process by which information is encoded, stored, and retrieved is called memory. Atkinson and Shiffrin proposed the three stages of memory referred to as sensory, short-term, and long-term n the Atkinson and Shiffrin stages of memory, the progress of information determines whether and how long information is retained. The eyes fixate from point to point several times each second. This is called saccadic eye movements. While Tanya is visiting the pet store she looks down an aisle and catches both a and b Humans experience a stream of consciousness rather than discrete sensory memory briefly holds perceptions, making them seem connected. The stage of memory that first encounters stimuli is called sensory. If an image of Abraham Lincolns face was flashed on memory trace. The turn of the century psychologist McDougall found four or five letters in a single fixation In 1960, George Sperling modified McDougalls method of ____ whole-report procedure; partial-report procedure George Sperlings experiment determined that both a and b. The significance of Sperlings partial-report procedure study is sensory Psychologist believe that we possess a sensory register for each of our sensory systems. Mental representations of visual stimuli are referred to as ____ icons; iconic Another term for photographic memory is eidetic imagery. Photographic memory involves iconic memory and eidetic imagery. What causes the flow of visual information to iconic memory Visual experience appears as a smooth and continuous iconic memory; saccadic eye movements You are taking notes, while listening to a lecture echoes; echoic Visual images are to ____ memory as auditory images are to iconic; echoic The sensory register that holds the mental representations echoic memory. Memory traces of sounds decay more slowly than those of visual stimuli. The memory that enables one to hold information for both a and b. One will generally encode visual stimuli into auditory both a and b Visual stimuli are most commonly retained in short-term memory by encoding visual stimuli as sounds that can be rehearsed Aaron has just been given a telephone number of a around 10 seconds Dana can only remember a few of the first and last items on her serial-position effect. Information at the beginning and end of a list tends to be more easily recalled than serial-position effect. Jim had received driving directions to his destination from the middle of the sequence. Paul can only remember the conclusions of his speech. This is an example of the serial-position effect. Amy is trying to remember her social security number, while Rehearse the set of numbers keeping them in the 3 chunks format. According to George Miller the number of pieces of information the average person can easily recall after a single exposure. After a single presentation, Megan can recall her friends chunking The typical maximum number of chunks of information that can be held is seven. The telephone number of Brads financial services firm is it consists of only two chunks of information that are meaningfully related to his business. The ability to remember the letters of the alphabet or the words in the rote memory. Mechanical association learning used by an actor to memorize his lines rote memory. Preventing rehearsal can ____ information contained in short-term memory. reduce The appearance of new information in short-term memory limited. The process by which new information displaces older information in the capacity of short-term memory is variable According to Atkinson and Shiffren, the third stage of information processing is long-term memory. Which of the following statements would Freud disagree with Our ideas and perceptions may appear lost because they were never properly encoded. The evidence for the popular idea that all of our experiences are arguable. The way in which we conceptualize our worlds, our beliefs, and o schemas. Rosalind, a forward on the womens basketball team, has invited Bryce She does not fit his schema of her dresses. A person that reconstructs their experience according to their prejudices is allowing a schema to influence their recall. Loftus and Palmer showed people a film of a car crash and then asked them to smashed into The idea that long-term memories are recollections of a car crash can be influenced by the way in which it is labeled. All of the following are problems with eyewitness testimony EXCEPT Children make better witnesses because they are less suggestible than adults. Elizabeth Loftus research on eyewitness memory suggests that memory All of the above According to Elizabeth Loftus, the most significant cause of memory is misleading information Experts suggest that witnesses to a crime contaminate their own memory of the event. The Lost in the Mall study illustrated that both a and b Which of the following is NOT true regarding long-term memory? There is a tendency to replace new information with old information. Danielle, a college senior, is trying to remember the names she has not yet found the cues that will help her retrieve the information from long-term memory A psychology student wants to know how to remember the elaborative The difference between rote learning and meaningful learning is maintenance rehearsal and elaborative rehearsal. Some language arts teachers like to say, Another language, another soul. The elaborative rehearsal. While studying for an astronomy exam, Haley realizes that the swirling motion of elaborative rehearsal. Craik and Lockhart argue that memory storage and recall depends upon the ____ depth The ____ model of memory proposes that memory consists of levels-of-processing Henry learned that the word diplomat originates from two Greek stems elaborative rehearsal What is meant by the word deeply in the statement All of the above Which of the following is an example of processing new information deeply. both a and b Susan, Judd, and Melanie work at a music store in the mall Judd The mnemonic device i before e except after c is based upon a(n) semantic code Benjamin can remember exactly where he was and what he was doing flashbulb memory. Emotionally charged events that arrest public interest, like the attacks of flashbulb memories. The vivid, detailed recollection of what you were doing when you learned about flashbulb memory. Flashbulb memories seem vivid for Dramatic events stimulate the brain to produce exact or photographic memories. Which of the following is true regarding long-term memory organization? All of the above ____ is formed in long-term memory by organizing information into groups Hierarchical structure Using the hierarchical structure of your long-term memory of All of the above Evan met Lesley at a party last week. He sees her again a few weeks after tip of the tongue phenomenon. Zelda is trying to remember the name of the actor who played the lead in the tip-of-the-tongue (TOT) phenomenon. One conclusion of Brown and McNeils classic study of the acoustic and semantic codes. Some of the participants in the Brown and McNeil TOT experiments proved to incomplete or imperfect learning. Research suggests that our memories of the past are people tend to seek out positive events and avoid negative ones Evidence from a number of studies demonstrates that recall is ____ worse; context-dependent Jill prefers to study for tests in the classroom where the tests are context-dependant Jennie returned to her elementary school when she was visiting her context-dependent memory Detective Rawlings asked Harry, a witness to a mugging, to mentally reconstruct the context-dependent memory DÃ ©j vu is an example of ____ memory. context-dependant One afternoon Amanda could not remember where she left her purse. In the state-dependent memory In the effects of mood on memory, a happy mood may evoke state-dependent memory. Brooke drinks so much coffee that she Drink enough coffee to give herself the jitters again The classic studies that first made use of nonsense syllables in the study of Hermann Ebbinghaus. Remembering nonsense syllables is difficult because they are acoustic coding and maintenance rehearsal. A student taking a multiple-choice exam generally relies on the ____ recognition n preparing for the 40th high school reunion, Jill and Ed correctly identified recognition. In taking the position that only fill-in-the-blank tests are suitable for recall The memory task for most of the items in a multiple-choice test, such as recognition. Nonsense syllables are sometimes arranged as paired associates, recall. The paired associates task is used to measure the ____ memory task. recall Peter, a participant in a paired associate learning experiment, noted that both semantic and acoustic encoding The difference between the number of times required to learn savings. The concept of method of savings was developed by Ebbinghaus to study relearning In Ebbinghauss classic curve of forgetting, the greatest memory loss occurs most rapidly just after the material is initially learned Forgetting that occurs because new information inhibits the retrieval of interference theory. According to interference theory we forget material because a and b only Joy just learned to speak French, but she notices retroactive interference. Beatrice took four years of Spanish in high school. In college she studied retroactive interference At college Jim is learning to speak French, but he keeps using proactive interference. George just bought a new laptop computer after years of using a proactive interference. Which of the following statements is true regarding Freuds concept of repression? All of the above Psychoanalysts believe that dissociative amnesia involves repression. Freds history professor exhibits traits similar to those of repression. Bill recently found out that when he was a child his dog, which he thought was repression. The lack of support for the existence of recovered memories is based on Both a and b Freud discovered that many patients could not recall episodes that infantile The text presents several methods to improve memory skills. Which Avoid using familiar associations. In the Method of Loci, the material to be learned is associated with familiar images. The memory strategy called ____ relies on forming associations by linking two items mediation Mnemonic devices can incorporate chunks of information into a format such as all of the above A psychoanalytical explanation of infantile amnesia would include a and b only Which of the following is a physiological factor contributing to infantile amnesia? both b and c Jessica was upset because she was unable to remember her 4th birthday party a or b In ____ amnesia, there are memory lapses for the period following a trauma anterograde Anterograde amnesia interferes with many memory processes such as all of the above One of the symptoms of anterograde amnesia is a failure to establish memories after the injury, but a preservation of memories prior to the injury. Bill was in an automobile accident. The events just prior to the accident are still a retrograde Which of the following is a cognitive factor associated with infantile amnesia? Infants do not reliably use language to symbolize or classify events. In ____ amnesia, the trauma prevents patients from remembering events that retrograde The surviving bodyguard in Princess Dianas car was unable to recall retrograde amnesia. The clinical effects of head trauma suggest a period of consolidation ____ are viewed as electrical circuits in the brain that correspond to memory traces. Engrams In searching for the engram, Karl Lashley was in reality looking for the biological memory. Which of the following are thought to be involved in the biochemical process of both a and b Research on the biology of memory involving the visual cortex of memories may have neural correlates at specific sites When sea snails, such as Aplysia and Hermissenda, are conditioned, serotonin The enhanced efficiency in a synapse after brief rapid stimulation that makes long-term potentiation. Low levels of ____ are correlated with memory loss in Alzheimers disease. acetylcholine All of the following naturally occurring chemical substances have been adrenaline and noradrenaline. The structural changes in the brain that take place with the formation of hippocampus. Joe is a long-term alcoholic who has great difficulty storing new information in hippocampus After a stroke destroyed a large area of his frontal lobe, Dwight was less able to integrate place and time. It appears that storage bins for long-term memories are located in different brain areas. What part of the memory system is the prefrontal cortex thought to play? executive center After an industrial accident in which he experienced a penetrating hippocampus. Damage to the ____ disrupts the formation of ____ memories thalamus; verbal

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Free Essays on By Writing The Coquette

How Hannah Foster uses the Coquette to Identify Injustices Towards Women in Society in Support of a Woman’s Social Revolution In writing, The Coquette, Hannah Foster encouraged women to join together in a revolution against society. Foster believed that, with the gender-biased value-system inherent in early American culture, no woman could freely pursue the life that she desired. Her book made people, particularly women, aware of this oppression that they had faced for so many years. It illuminates the social and moral handcuffs that bound women, in hopes of creating awareness regarding the way that they were treated. Eliza Wharton is labeled a coquette because of the social and moral characteristics which she is known for: independence, coyness, flirtatiousness, etc., and were features heavily frowned upon by society. She indulged in the pleasures, which an unmarried woman could enjoy, and was known for her social graces. Early in the book, however, she is confronted with a dilemma when she becomes involved with two men of opposite lifestyles and values. Under normal circumstances, with her coquettish personality, she would have preferred to not marry either of them, however, the society which surrounds her, forces her to go against her will and pursue what would be an unhappy marriage. This, obviously, is not what Eliza wanted or needed to do with her life, although her peers suggested otherwise. It is then, that Eliza begins to compromise her free will for the pressures which society places on her, and Hannah Foster explores and criticizes the treatment of women, pointing out many thin gs which are wrong with the society that they lived in. The independence, which Eliza possessed early in the book, was a great source of strength for her. This, unfortunately, this was not a favorable trait in women at the time, and it is because of this that she does not receive the support of others nor does she know h... Free Essays on By Writing The Coquette Free Essays on By Writing The Coquette How Hannah Foster uses the Coquette to Identify Injustices Towards Women in Society in Support of a Woman’s Social Revolution In writing, The Coquette, Hannah Foster encouraged women to join together in a revolution against society. Foster believed that, with the gender-biased value-system inherent in early American culture, no woman could freely pursue the life that she desired. Her book made people, particularly women, aware of this oppression that they had faced for so many years. It illuminates the social and moral handcuffs that bound women, in hopes of creating awareness regarding the way that they were treated. Eliza Wharton is labeled a coquette because of the social and moral characteristics which she is known for: independence, coyness, flirtatiousness, etc., and were features heavily frowned upon by society. She indulged in the pleasures, which an unmarried woman could enjoy, and was known for her social graces. Early in the book, however, she is confronted with a dilemma when she becomes involved with two men of opposite lifestyles and values. Under normal circumstances, with her coquettish personality, she would have preferred to not marry either of them, however, the society which surrounds her, forces her to go against her will and pursue what would be an unhappy marriage. This, obviously, is not what Eliza wanted or needed to do with her life, although her peers suggested otherwise. It is then, that Eliza begins to compromise her free will for the pressures which society places on her, and Hannah Foster explores and criticizes the treatment of women, pointing out many thin gs which are wrong with the society that they lived in. The independence, which Eliza possessed early in the book, was a great source of strength for her. This, unfortunately, this was not a favorable trait in women at the time, and it is because of this that she does not receive the support of others nor does she know h...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Final Strategy Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Final Strategy Plan - Essay Example A company pursues differentiation and low-cost under this strategy. Wal-Mart Stores Inc. also known as Walmart since 2008, is a US based multinational retail corporation operating a chain of large discount department stores and warehouse stores. According to Forbes Global 2000, it is the 18th largest corporation of the world and the largest corporation by revenue. The major control of the company is in the hands of the Walton family owing 48% stake in the company (Worstall, 2011). Walmart holds a dominant position in the brick-mortar based retail stores. However, realizing the importance and expansion of online selling, Walmart began its online store back in 2000. Initially, it was assumed that being the retail giant it is, it would soon become an online retail giant as well. Walmart could not be as successful in online selling as it has been with its offline stores. According to company analysts, they thought that the online consumer base is particularly different from the conventio nal Walmart shoppers. Hence, the company needed a new strategy where it could create a differential advantage while keeping the costs at a minimum. 6 Paths Framework Industry – Most companies operate under the assumption that they are in a particular industry having its own norms and ways, which limits their expansion. Walmart belongs to the retail store business; the company sells products belonging to various categories. Walmart online can look itself as being in the business of selling all kinds of products online. It needs to look at itself as an online business having a strong brick-and-mortar business for support. Look across strategic group – Walmart online needs to compete not only with giant online retailers such as Ebay,, it also needs to compete with other smaller online retailers selling specific products. Walmart online needs to become the best online retailer in every category of product. Look across complementary services and offering – A seller needs to take into account the things needed to finish the purchase. For example, while buying online, a consumer would need a credit or a debit card to make the purchase. Walmart can form alliances with banks providing specific services and offers to its customers so that they can take advantage while using Walmart online. They also need to have better delivery and reduce shipment times. Look across functional/Emotional Appeal to buyers – Walmart online needs to create a connect with its offline customers and persuade them to shop online while bringing in new customers as well. Look across time – Walmart online should be able to foresee trends and proactively design strategies. In this regard, a major emerging trend would be online shopping. More and more consumers are shifting from offline to online shopping. Hence, Walmart needs to strengthen its online business to retain its existing customers and cater to new ones (Berg, 2011). Becoming an i-business Wal mart has struggled as an online retailer and although, initially it did not matter but in a time when low income households are moving towards ecommerce, Walmart needs to strengthen Walmart online. The biggest differential edge that Walmart had was that it had the lowest price on broadest assortment of goods. They need to transform this advantage online. The steps they can take in this regard: Home delivery of fresh groceries Integration of social media and mobile apps along with

Friday, November 1, 2019

Computer Network Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Computer Network - Essay Example This would make the Wi- Fi more effective by ensuring it spreads wider field through structures and different obstructions. Organizations that profit from shopper information transfers are not excited about the thought. As indicated by the Washington Post, Verizon, Intel, AT&T, Cisco, and others have suggested that the range should be issued to organizations as opposed to being utilized in the FCCs proposed arrangement. "We imagine that the range would be most valuable to the bigger society and to broadband organization in the event that it were authorized," an Intel official says. At the same time, Google and Microsoft have have their own ideas regarding the proposition. These propositions include prompt advantage to clients, free national web access that would make a country own brilliant organized gadgets, "a huge number of gadgets that will make the advancing Internet out of things."(Lee, Yi, Chong, & Jin, 2014). Presently, the advocates of both Google and Microsoft are part of the Wireless Innovation Alliance, which is a care group for the FCCs drive.This incorporates Dell and the New America Foundation. Google stands out to be the beneficiary if more individuals begin using its administrations to browse the web over extensive free Wi-Fi systems, or make any telephone and future calls through free administrations like Google Voice or Google Hangouts. Google has suggested that free mass Wi-Fi would start a blast in development. It is obvious that this will open a door for greater budgets that will offer room for advertisements through pursuit or in other imaginative ways. Faster internet and Wi-Fi across the nation means that people will experience the best live shows on the web, through Google Hangouts, which could incorporate promotions across the nation through broadcasts over that the Internet using tablets and cell phones(Niyato & Hossain, 2007). A proposition

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Marketing In the New Age of Information Technology Essay

Marketing In the New Age of Information Technology - Essay Example The total concept of marketing - branding and promotion, customer segmentation and product positioning has become a totally different ball game in the new technology scenario. As an example of the change, in 2004, six out of the 10 hotel web-site hits came through the use of an online search engine; this makes search engine optimization and pay-per-click advertising key to the successful marketing of a hotel (FHRAI). "Increasing occupancy rates and revenue by improving customer experience is the aim of modern hospitality organizations. To achieve these results, hotel managers need to have a deep knowledge of customers' needs, behaviour, and preferences and be aware of the ways in which the services delivered create value for the customers and then stimulate their retention and loyalty" (Minghetti, 2003). Almost every organization is considering customer relationship management (CRM) as the new paradigm in marketing, where the customer, and not the process, is at the heart of the marketing initiative (Grnroos, 1994). However, a more fundamental question that needs to be answered is: to what extent are developments within Information and Communications Technology (ICT) changing how marketing is or can be done This paper attempts to answer this question. T The customer needs the service or product to be provided on time, appropriately and at a fair price; the traditional 4P's (McCarthy, 1978). While information technology is of tremendous use has placed capability in the hands of the marketer it has also given marvelous tools to the customers through which they can evaluate the products available, compare features and price and make a decision that is purely individual and difficult to influence by traditional methods. The first priority, then, obviously is to be on the information grid (Internet) and look for ways to improve customer value through a competitive edge. The market segmentation has thus come down to a 'segment of one' and the emergence of one-to-one marketing strategies (Berry, 1994). But is this all Is it enough to be an effective marketing organization Understanding the customer and the best way to communicate and build profit is at the heart of all marketing efforts. Enhanced customer satisfaction and retention lead to increased customer loyalty, occupancy rates and revenue per available customer (Dub & Renaghan, 1999a, 1999b). "Managing customer value by creating quality and service that customers can see now is considered a critical component of companies' strategic marketing. Customer value is what builds loyalty" (ibid, p. 79). However, most hotels use information technology only for administrative purposes and have not realised the full possibilities for generating customer value (Minghetti, 2003). The effects of ICT on marketing are not only potentially dramatic they can be catastrophic to managers who choose to ignore the new technology. Marketing is increasingly becoming reliant on understanding and knowing about new concepts and skills that have become essential to stay ahead in the modern marketplace - or marketspace! The customer expects to be able to access a virtual audio-visual tour that give them the complete feel of the facility before deciding where to holiday. Face-to-face marketing, using ICT to provide

Monday, October 28, 2019

African Americans from 1865 Essay Example for Free

African Americans from 1865 Essay African Americans have fought a great battle to become a part of society in America. Since being taken from African as slaves in the 1600’s there has been a continuous battle for equality since. Since the end of slavery Black Americans have had many accomplishments along with hardships. In this paper I will discuss some of the Major events in African American history beginning with the end of slavery which has lead to the America we know today. In 1865 Congress passed the thirteenth Amendment stating† Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction† this was the outlawing of slavery and resulted in the established the Freedmen’s Bureau to assist former slaves. President Lincoln and other Republicans were concerned that the Emancipation Proclamation, which in 1863 declared the freedom of slaves in ten Confederate states then in rebellion, would be seen as a temporary war measure, since it was based solely on Lincolns war powers. The Proclamation did not free any slaves in the border states nor did it abolish slavery.[1] Because of this, Lincoln and other supporters believed that an amendment to the Constitution was needed. In many parts of the South, the newly freed slaves labored under conditions similar to those existing before the war. The Union army could offer only limited protection to the ex-slaves, and Lincoln’s successor, Andrew Johnson of Tennessee, clearly had no interest in ensuring the freedom of southern blacks. The new president’s appointments as governors of southern states formed conservative, proslavery governments. The new state legislatures passed laws designed to keep blacks in poverty and in positions of servitude. Under these so-called black codes, ex-slaves who had no steady employment could be arrested and ordered to pay stiff fines. Prisoners who could not pay the sum were hired out as virtual slaves. In some areas, black children could be forced to serve as apprentices in local industries. Blacks were also prevented from buying land and were denied fair wages for their work. This became the beginning of the Reconstruction. The Freedmen’s Bureau was designed to help former slaves make the transition from slavery to freedom after the civil war. It was a federal agency mostly involving blacks of the old confederacy ( Lowe, 1993). The Freedmens Bureau Bill, which created the Freedmens Bureau in March 1865, was initiated by President Abraham Lincoln and was intended to last for one year after the end of the Civil War.[2] The Freedmens Bureau was an important agency of the early Reconstruction, assisting freedmen (freed ex-slaves) in the South. The Bureau was part of the United States Department of War. Headed by Union Army General Oliver O. Howard, a Civil War hero sympathetic to blacks.the Bureau was operati onal from 1865 to 1872. It was disbanded under President Ulysses S. Grant. Their responsibilities included introducing a system of free labor, overseeing some 3,000 schools for freedpersons, settling disputes and enforcing contracts between the usually white landowners and their black labor force, and securing justice for blacks in state courts. The Bureau was renewed by a Congressional bill in 1866 but was vetoed by President Andrew Johnson, who thought it was unconstitutional. Johnson was opposed to having the federal government secure black rights. Congress passed the bill over his veto. Southern whites were basically opposed to blacks having any rights at all, and the Bureau lacked military force to back up its authority as the army had been quickly disbanded and most of the soldiers assigned to the Western Their responsibilities included introducing a system of free labor, overseeing some 3,000 schools for freedpersons, settling disputes and enforcing contracts between the usually white landowners and their black labor force, and securing justice for b lacks in state courts. The Bureau was renewed by a Congressional bill in 1866 but was vetoed by President Andrew Johnson, who thought it was unconstitutional. Johnson was opposed to having the federal government secure black rights. Congress passed the bill over his veto. Southern whites were basically opposed to blacks having any rights at all, and the Bureau lacked military force to back up its authority as the army had been quickly disbanded and most of the soldiers assigned to the Western frontier. The Bureau was able to accomplish some of its goals, especially in the field of education. frontier. The Bureau was able to accomplish some of its goals, especially in the field of education. There is much more African American has to overcome and many victories and defeat, In the process of fighting for equality in 1909 The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People is founded in New York by prominent black and white intellectuals and led by W.E.B. Du Bois. For the next half century, it would serve as the countrys most influential African-American civil rights organization. In 1910, its journal, The Crisis, was launched. Among its well known leaders were James Weldon Johnson, Ella Baker, Moorfield Storey, Walter White, Roy Wilkins, Benjamin Hooks, Myrlie Evers-Williams, Julian Bond, and Kwesi Mfume. Throughout the 1920s and 1930s, the association led the black civil rights struggle in fighting injustices such as the denial of voting rights, racial violence, discrimination in employment, and segregated public facilities. Dedicated to the goal of an integrated society, the national leadership has always been interracial, although the membership has remained predominantly African American. The Harlem Renaissance flourishes in the 1920s and 1930s. This literary, artistic, and intellectual movement fosters a new black cultural identity. After the American civil war, liberated African-Americans searched for a safe place to explore their new identities as free men and women, they found it in Harlem. Also known as the New Negro Movement was a literary, artistic, cultural, intellectual movement that began in Harlem, New York after World War I and ended around 1935 during the Great Depression. The movement raised significant issues affecting the lives of African Americans through various forms of literature, art, music, drama, painting, sculpture, movies, and protests. In 1939 the NAACP established as an independent legal arm for the civil rights movement the NAACP Legal Defense and Education Fund, which litigated to the Supreme Court Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, the case that resulted in the high court’s landmark 1954 school-desegregation decision. The organization had also won a significant victory in 1946, with Morgan v. Virginia, which successfully barred segregation in interstate travel, setting the stage for the Freedom Rides of 1961. 1954 Brown v. Board of Education case: strikes down segregation as unconstitutional. Linda Brown, an eight-year-old African American girl, had been denied permission to attend an elementary school only five blocks from her home in Topeka, Kansas. School officials refused to register her at the nearby school, assigning her instead to a school for nonwhite students some 21 blocks from her home. Separate elementary schools for whites and nonwhites were maintained by the Board of Education in Topeka. Linda Browns parents filed a lawsuit to force the schools to admit her to the nearby, but segregated, school for white students. The Board of Educations defense was that, because segregation in Topeka and elsewhere pervaded many other aspects of life, segregated schools simply prepared black children for the segregation they would face during adulthood. The board also argued that segregated schools were not neccessarily harmful to black children; great African Americans such as Frederick Douglass, Booker T. Washington, and George Washington Carver had overcome more than just segregated schools to achieve what they achieved. The request for an injunction put the court in a difficult decision. On the one hand, the judges agreed with the expert witnesses; in their decision, they wrote: Segregation of white and colored children in public schools has a detrimental effect upon the colored children A sense of inferiority affects the motivation of a child to learn. [8] On the other hand, the precedent of Plessy v. Ferguson allowed separate but equal school systems for blacks and whites, and no Supreme Court ruling had overturned Plessy yet. Because of the precedent of Plessy, the court felt compelled to rule in favor of the Board of Education. [9] The Supreme Court struck down the separate but equal doctrine of Plessy for public education, ruled in favor of the plaintiffs, and required the desegregation of schools across America. The Supreme Courts Brown v. Board of Education decision did not abolish segregation in other public areas, such as restaurants and restrooms, nor did it require desegregation of public schools by a specific time. It did, however, declare the permissive or mandatory segregation that existed in 21 states unconstitutional. [13] It was a giant step towards complete desegregation of public schools. Even partial desegregation of these schools, however, was still very far away, as would soon become apparent. The next year 1955 A young black boy, Emmett Till, is brutally murdered for allegedly whistling at a white woman in Mississippi. Two white men charged with the crime are acquitted by an all-white jury. They later boast about committing the murder. The public outrage generated by the case helps spur the civil rights movement (Aug.). Fourteen-year-old Emmett Till was visiting relatives in Money, Mississippi on August 24, 1955 when he reportedly flirted with a white cashier at a grocery store. Four days later, two white men kidnapped till, beat him, and shot him in the head. The men were tried for murder, but an all-white, male jury acquitted them. Tills murder and open casket funeral galvanized the emerging civil rights movement. Rosa Parks refuses to give up her seat at the front of the colored section of a bus to a white passenger (Dec.1). She was arrested and convicted of violating the laws of segregation, known as â€Å"Jim Crow laws.† Mrs. Parks appealed her conviction and thus formally challenged the legality of segregation. In response to her arrest Montgomerys black community launch a successful year-long bus boycott. Montgomerys buses are desegregated on Dec. 21, 1956. 1963Martin Luther King is arrested and jailed during anti-segregation protests in Birmingham, Ala. He writes Letter from Birmingham Jail, which advocated nonviolent disobedience. The March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom is attended by about 250,000 people, the largest demonstration ever seen in the nations capital. Martin Luther King delivers his famous I Have a Dream speech. The march builds momentum for civil rights legislation (Aug. 28). Despite Governor George Wallace physically blocking their way, Vivian Malone and James Hood register for classes at the University of Alabama. Four young black girls attending Sunday school are killed when a bomb explodes at the Sixteenth Street Baptist Church, a popular location for civil rights meetings. Riots erupt in Birmingham, leading to the deaths of two more black youths (Sept. 15). 1964 President Johnson signs the Civil Rights Act, the most sweeping civil rights legislation since Reconstruction. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 is the nations benchmark civil rights legislation, and it continues to resonate in America. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex or national origin. An act to enforce the constitutional right to vote, to confer jurisdiction upon the district courts of the United States of America to provide injunctive relief against discrimination in public accommodations, to authorize the Attorney General to institute suits to protect constitutional rights in public facilities and public education, to extend the Commission on Civil Rights, to prevent discrimination in federally assisted programs, to establish a Commission on Equal Employment Opportunity, and for other purposes. Passage of the Act ended the application of Jim Crow laws, which had been upheld by the Supreme Court in the 1896 case Plessy v. Ferguson, in which the Court held that racial segregation purported to be separate but equal was constitutional. The Civil Rights Act was eventually expanded by Congress to strengthen enforcement of these fundamental civil rights References Of Du Bois and Diaspora: The Challenge of African American Studies. Michael A. Gomez Journal of Black Studies , Vol. 35, No. 2, Special Issue: Back to the Future of Civilization: Celebrating 30 Years of African American Studies (Nov., 2004), pp. 175-194 Published by: Sage Publications, Inc. Article Stable URL: The Freedmens Bureau and Local Black Leadership Richard Lowe The Journal of American History , Vol. 80, No. 3 (Dec., 1993), pp. 989-998 Published by: Organization of American Historians Article Stable URL: Harlem Renaissance: Art of Black America Harlem Renaissance: Art of Black America. by Studio Museum in Harlem Review by: George C. Wright The Journal of American History , Vol. 77, No. 1 (Jun., 1990), pp. 253-261 Published by: Organization of American Historians Article Stable URL: Harlem Renaissance. by Nathan Irvin Huggins Review by: Charles T. Davis American Literature , Vol. 45, No. 1 (Mar., 1973), pp. 138-140 Published by: Duke University Press Article Stable URL: Mary, E. Q. (2000). African-american history and culture / african-american history and culture: An on-line encyclopedia. The Booklist, 96(12), 1130-1132. Retrieved from Horne, G. (2006). TOWARD A TRANSNATIONAL RESEARCH AGENDA FOR AFRICAN AMERICAN HISTORY IN THE 21st CENTURY. The Journal of African American History, 91(3), 288-303. Retrieved from Dr. martin luther king, jr.s letter from a birmingham jail. (1997, Jan 16). Sentinel. Retrieved from